Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bridge To Terabithia

        "Bridge To Terabithia" is one of the best books ever. It takes my mind on a magical journey to "terabithia". I can feel the passion coming through the book. It's so amazing. The story is inspiring. There are a lot of themes in this story; Love, Friendship,Choosing Wisely, Jealousy, Jealousy in Love and Friendship. These themes pop out a lot during the story.
         I recommend this book to people that are willing to take a strong part in this book about two best friends and their stories. When you look at a person sometimes you cant see what they are on the inside but once you get to know them, you can feel what they are on the inside. You may think they have everything, but sometimes they dont. Like when Leslie sees that Jess isnt the richest person, she's shocked.
        What I mean by "Jealousy in Love and Freindship" is that you an love someone so much and be their best friend but still be envious. When Jess gets really jealous about Leslie being the fastest he still wants to be her friend. I feel like Jess going with the teacher when Leslie dies and he finds out after, he is jealous that she's getting attention in school so why not go with a teacher? Right?

         Over all this book is great. It has so muh to think about and so much thought and feeling that you want to just read it over and over again, just like I did. I've grown so fond of this book it's CRAZY! But Why not fall in love with a book as amazigh as this??

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