Monday, November 15, 2010

Can you be changed by the....."goods" ???!

I'm still reading the book "when it happened." This is a really good book and the book has a lot to do with drugs or "the goods" One of the things I was wondering about was, once drugs change you...can you be CHANGED back?? Are you really ADDICTED to it?? Can it really CHANGE you?? So as I was reading, I figured out that just the right amount of drugs CAN probably change a person...
A certain amount of a type of drug can effect you. And not in the way you want it to effect you. In the book the characters want to change eachother into better people. If you set your mind to doing something or changing yourself, you can definatly do it, but there has to be a reasn why you want to. In this case its eachother, they want to changefor eachother. They have something to look forward to, and someone to prove something to. Its just like they are wearing masks and when they see eachother or talk to eachother, they take those masks off and become their true selves or who they want to be for those people. I would change for someone if I knew it was to better myself and make myself more presentable. But if you like who you are and don't feel like you need changing, then don't change for anyone but yourself. Its your choice
but you just have to think it through.
This book shows a good example of the both sides of addiction. It shows that you really can be addicted to drugs but not because they taste good, but because they make you feel good. Another question I had was..WHY do they make you feel good? What do they make you feel like? Why do you feel to commited to it? Do you chose to do this? These questions where somewhat answered in the book because it showed that the character was willing to do drugs...was willing to change for someone else...was willing to do the things they did and was willing to make their own choices, to better himself.
When I say "change a person" I mean to make them look make them act different and to make theit whole apperence different. Addiction is one of the reasons that these people change...some people to drugs so they don't eat...don't drink...don't do anything or just for joy or fun, but when you actually think of it, its dumb.
This book tought me a lot about all different things. Important things, not so important things, things I couldve gone my whole life without knowing and more. The point is that this book is made for all different types of people. I love this book so much and I hope that when you read it, you do too! :)


  1. This post was very deep. I thought really hard about drugs and how they can slowly kill the person that you once were. They can also literally kill you. I think its horrible that people take drugs, sometimes they want to stop but they can't help themselves.I know that you were trying to emphasize the words that you in all caps, but you should try quotations instead. :)

  2. Never thought about drugs in this way... But your right. They are dangerous SO BE CAREFUL!!!

  3. People these days do lots of drugs and people should be very careful.

  4. Drugs are a very serious thing, it's really nice how you thought deep into the subject. I agree about what you said in your post. You added a lot of thoughtful questions. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did(:

  5. i kinda don't agree with you. yeah, drugs can change the composition of your mind and the way you think. AND sometimes your personality (i.e. you become greedy) but deep down you will always be the same good or bad.

    i also liked how you added a series of questions to get our minds thinking.

  6. This post is so into the topic and we can tell your really serious about what your talking about. The structure is great and really gets us thinking but I actually kind of disagree with what evlrobot said. Drugs can't change wether you are good or bad your right, but being good or bad is based on the good or bad choices you make and drugs is not a good choice for health and things like that.

  7. you went really deep in this post and really got the reader thinking...which is apparent in all the comments you received!
