Monday, December 20, 2010

Operators are standing by.

As Rayne begins to learn how to deal with Damian...where did she get this courage and strength from? Sometimes I think that something must have been helping her. Wether it was mental or physical, she had to be persuaded by something. Mostly... When a person is changed all of a sudden there is usually a reason right? Well in this book Rayne's boyfriend is treating her badly. Not terribly but not the best either. I want to talk about my connection to this book and these particular characters.
I was watching a tv show about abusive in every way and I found it mind trembling. It was terrible and I've never been in that position but it hurt to see and I wanted to connect this show because this specific woman, grew confidence and stood up to this man. This made me happy for her because no person should ever let anyone step all over them. This sounds a lot like my other post but this is from a different view.
This is one of my favorite books and not becaue its about possession, but because of all of the thoughts behind the actual text of the story. I was introduced to this story by brianna nd I thank her because I fell in love with this book from the beginning. I hope that if you decide to read the book, I hope you like it!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Escaping To A Trapped Place...

Knowing that who you are with is wrong for you, don't try to get away knowing that it's impossible. I'm not talking about physically running away, but mentally escaping the danger that lies between you and a self-controlled life. 3ayne, in "Possessed" by Kate Cann, Rayne is trying to live a normal life...but there is a specific reason and I don't think she quite knows herself either. I'm talking about her boyfriend...her older, controlling boyfriend. The reason I don't think she know this, is because she's not saying anything. Did you ever hear the slogan, "If you see something, say somthing" ????? This is kind of like the same situation. Rayne likes Damian a lot, but she doubts that they are meant to be. I trust you as readers to feel the passion in this book, and the questioning and the story behind this characters feelings.

I also want to talk about the physical trying the escape. As you guessed, this book is about Rayne being possessed by something she knows is out there. She is convinced that there is something that wants her to stay. This is related to mental escape because It is the same idea, but in different ways. There is a lot of talk about strange and powerful energy thatsurrounds Rayne, in the book. The idea I'm trying to get at is two ways to think of this strange presence. During the book you begin to see that Rayne begins to feel uncomfortable with Damian, and that she is being possessed by the same sort of thing, but different.

I really like this book and I was introduced to it by Brianna. She really enjoyed it, so I thought, Why not read it?? And I absolutly loved it!!!! You as a reader should try to look more deeper into the book instead of just reading the words. I hope you enjoy the book if you decide to read it!! :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gone Again...

          I'm reading the book called "Possessed" by Kate Cann. I just started reading this book and I really like it. This book is about a girl who gets "taken over". Okay so I dont want to give you a retell on the book but, Rayne(the main girl/character) gets possessed and has a controlling boyfriend. This book is really good but some parts really bother me. She lets her boyfriend say stuff to her and she doesn't stand up for herself.
          First things first, DO NOT under any circumstances let ANYONE step all over you. Stand up for yourself. One line that stuck out to me in the book was...
          If I can just get through this night , I'll be okay, i can leave in the morning, leave and never come back.
          This line was really important to me, and its also on the blurb, because it kind of gives me an idea of what kind of person the character is. it also shows that the character is going to go through some rough times duing the story. Reading the other couple of lines just like this one, I got more of a feel of the story. This also connects to what we did in class about the key facts and important and different lines in stories. These lines can help you make inferences about what you might be having to read next.
          What I like in books, such as this one, is that the author purposly set up these "little phrases" to set a mood about thinking. This book has a lot of "little phrases" and that is one of the reasons why I like it so much. If your a person who likes to be  led into what you are going to be reading next, then this is the book for you!!
          This book also has a lot of detail which is another good thing. These details also lead up to the "little phrases", which lead up to knowing that something is wrong, such as her controlling boyfriend. I didn't realize that all of these topics connected until I actually dug deeper into the book and what the author wanted  me to Know, Think and Feel. I got a pretty good feel of what I was supposed to Know, Think and Feel.
          I recomment this book to people who like detailed stories and being suprised but  with a little lead. I loved this book and I hope you do too. :]