Monday, December 20, 2010

Operators are standing by.

As Rayne begins to learn how to deal with Damian...where did she get this courage and strength from? Sometimes I think that something must have been helping her. Wether it was mental or physical, she had to be persuaded by something. Mostly... When a person is changed all of a sudden there is usually a reason right? Well in this book Rayne's boyfriend is treating her badly. Not terribly but not the best either. I want to talk about my connection to this book and these particular characters.
I was watching a tv show about abusive in every way and I found it mind trembling. It was terrible and I've never been in that position but it hurt to see and I wanted to connect this show because this specific woman, grew confidence and stood up to this man. This made me happy for her because no person should ever let anyone step all over them. This sounds a lot like my other post but this is from a different view.
This is one of my favorite books and not becaue its about possession, but because of all of the thoughts behind the actual text of the story. I was introduced to this story by brianna nd I thank her because I fell in love with this book from the beginning. I hope that if you decide to read the book, I hope you like it!!

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